
Computer science research, as well as part time, freelance software development challenges. In particular solving pragmatic problems in fields of the medicine, sports and health, automotive industry, world wide web, etc. Working with normal people!


Professional Experience

Trainer at Matrix Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Saarbrücken January 2018 - now:

Contributing in:

Everything in the gym including training, management, renovation, competitions (see grappling videos in my vimeo channel)


Researcher at The Captury, a motion capturing startup formed out of the Max Plank Institute at the University of Saarland January 2017 - now:

Contributing in:

CapturyLive - 3D markerless motion capturing software mainly using C++ under Linux (Promo video at https://vimeo.com/205592285)

Creation of promotional videos


Researcher at the Augmented Vision Group in German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence April 2015 - September 2016:

Contributed in:

EASY-IMP - Smart Sensor Networks (http://av.dfki.de/en/easy-imp)

AlterEgo - sensor-avatar communication

HySociaTea - sensor-fusion

Research development happened mainly using C++11 and Octave under Linux, partly using Matlab and Visual C++ on VS2010 under Windows.


Freelance app developer November 2014 - 2018:


FightScore Network - Become a Fight Judge! (http://fightscore.net/). Cloud platform for fans scoring.


FightScore - App to Score Fights! (http://svilen.info/fightscore/) Available for Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 / 8.1 and Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1

ClimbingScorecard - A Personal Ascents Diary! (http://svilen.info/climbingscorecard/) Available for Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 / 8.1 and Android 2.3 (API 9) and above

ClimbingQuiz - A Quiz for Climbing! Available for Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 / 8.1 (Click for app link)

FightingQuiz = A Quiz for Martial Arts! Available for Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 / 8.1 (Click for app link)

App development happens with VS2010, VS2012, VS2013, Xamarin Studio using languages C#, SQL, XAML. Those include full packages with website (HTML5, JS, PS), user manual (DOCX, PDF), promotional video (Sony Vegas, PS), app import files (XSLX, SDF, RAW), etc. Platform development is with HTML5 / CSS5 / JS  using Parse / Bootstrap.


Part time software developer at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence June 2014 - November 2014:

Contributed in:

AdAPT - C# Sound-based Device Recognition under VS2012


Part time software developer at the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering February 2007 - 2014:

Contributed in:

I-SWARM - C++ GUI in QT 3.0 (http://www.i-swarm.org/)

Brainshunt - ASM-C interaction (http://www.motiv-medtech.de/brain_shunt.php)

IntelliDrug - C GUI in LabWindows (http://www.intellidrug.org/)

NonFusion - C GUI in LabWindows

MyoPlant - C/C++ Microcontroller MSP430 Programming using CCS and GUI development under VS2010 using C#

Tudos - C# GUI development under VS2010


Tutor of exercise groups in Uni-Saarland 2007 - 2008:

Systemarchitektur SS2007 - Prof. Paul

Office Hour Programming 1 for BioInformatic Students WS2007/2008 - Prof. Smolka

Systemarchitektur SS2008 - Prof. Wilhelm



University Education

2005 - 2010: Bachelor of Computer Science in the University of Saarland

2010 - 2014: Master of Computer Science in the University of Saarland


Bachelor Thesis at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence:

"Analyzing Theremin Sounds for Touch-Free Gesture Recognition" (2010)

Master Thesis at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence:

"Framework for Analyzing Sounds of Home Environment for Device Recognition" (2014)

Introduction Courses

Programming 1 (Standard ML, German), Programming 2 (C++, German), System Architecture (DLX, German), Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (German), Information Systems (German), User Interface Design,

Core Courses

Software Engineering, Algorithms and Data Structures, Database Systems (Java), Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture (DLX), Embedded Systems, Software Practicum (C++, German), Hardware Practicum (DLX, German), Data Networks (C)

Advanced Courses and Seminars

Advanced C Programming (C/C++), Speaker and Language Recognition, Automotive User Interfaces, Reading Group in Algorithms, Panem et Circenses (C++, German), Massive Mobile Urban Computing (C#, German), 13 Programming Languages in 13 Weeks (German), Compilers and Programming Languages, Computational Thinking, Read-once functions and decomposition methods, Visualization and Data Analysis


Mathematics (Minor Subject, German), Physics (Minor Subject, Bulgarian/German), Computer Linguistics (Minor Subject, German), English, Russian, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Computer Science Perspectives






C, C++, C# - Excellent (meaning I've programmed actively on those for more than a five years)

Java, Assembler (MSP 430), SQL, PHP, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, F#, SML, ActionScript, Pascal - Good (meaning I've programmed on those between 2 and 5 years)

Fortran, AspectJ, PostScript, Cobol, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Scheme, Lisp, Prolog, Haskell, Scala - Basic (meaning I've programmed at least one practical stuff on those language either at work or at the university)




Visual Studio, Clion, Code Composer Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench - Excellent

Arduino, Xamarin, NetBeans, Eclipse, LabWindows, Dreamweaver - Good

Microsoft Blend for Visual Studio, QT, Microsoft Cross Platform Audio Creation Tool - Average

of course Excellent with other software like Magix Vegas, Ableton, Audacity, Adobe Photoshop, Libre Office, MS Office :)



English, German, Bulgarian - Fluent

Russian - Good (4 years in school, 2 semesters in university)

Serbocroatian, Spanish - Basic (2 semesters in university)


Personal Interests

Although pretty obvious from the website, besides grappling, boxing and bouldering I like to do some gymnastics, ride a little bit mountain bike, swimming, running and play didgeridoo :)

Video Filming and Edit (http://vimeo.com/svilko) - +150 videos with cumulative more than 100K complete watches

Photo Edit (see in in other categories or in my 8a.nu profile)

Almost forgot that I like to do a lot of cooking as well and even got a degree for cooking after visiting a long course back in 2005, even worked couple of days as cook, but got fired because I washed the vegetables and by doing this I was making the salads too slow :)




7. “Relative Translation and Rotation Calibration between Optical Target and Inertial Measurement Unit” (Manthan Pancholi, Svilen Dimitrov, Norbert Schmitz, Sebastian Lampe, Didier Stricker)

The 7 th EAI International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software (S-cube-16), December 1-2, Nice, France, 2016

6. "Hybrid Teams of Humans, Robots and Virtual Agents in a Production Setting" (Tim Schwartz, Michael Feld, Christian Bürckert, Svilen Dimitrov, Joachim Folz, Peter Hevesi, Dieter Hutter, Bernd Kiefer, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Christoph Lüth, Dennis Mronga, Gerald Pirkl, Thorsten Spieldenner, Malte Wirkus, Ingo Zinnikus, Sirko Straube)

The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE-16), 12th, September 12-13, London, United Kingdom, 2016


5. "Standalone Sound-Based Mobile Activity Recognition for Ambient Assistance in a Home Environment" (Svilen Dimitrov, Norbert Schmitz, Didier Stricker)

Proceedings of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI), November 11-13, Athens, Greece, 2015


4. "Analyzing Sounds of Home Environment for Device Recognition" (Svilen Dimitrov, Jochen Britz, Boris Brandherm, Jochen Frey)

Proceedings of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI), November 11-14, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2014

3. "Framework for Analyzing Sounds of Home Environment for Device Recognition" (Svilen Dimitrov)

Master Thesis at the University of Saarland, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), 15 May, 2014, Saarbrücken, Germany (PDF)


2. "Using a Theremin for Micro-Gesture Recognition in an Automotive Environment" (Christoph Endres, Svilen Dimitrov)

Adjunct proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI 2010), November 11-12, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (PDF)

1. "Analyzing Theremin Sounds for Touch-Free Gesture Recognition" (Svilen Dimitrov)

Bachelor Thesis at the University of Saarland, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), 28 October, 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany (PDF)


Sport Awards

I was told I should write something here to mark my accomplishments outside the field of computer science. I am not a competition climber and have pretty much no rewards in climbing or whatever (always around 4-15 place :D). So for now there are some combat sports awards to fill in here :)


Road to ADCC - 2nd and 3rd parts 76 kg professional division winner (read article Road to ADCC Germany 2016)

NAGA Europe - silver and bronze at 70 kg adult and master expert divisions (read article NAGA Europe 2016)


Matrix Open - 76 kg advanced winner and silver in absolute division

CBJJ European Championship - second in 73.5 kg elite division


Submissao Grappling Challange  Champion 73.5 kg Beginner (read article Submissao Grappling Challenge 2014)


Saarland Amateur Boxing Champion (read article Saarland Amateur Boxing Championships 2012)

German High School Amateur Boxing Champion (read article German High School Boxing Championships in Münster 2012)


German High School Amateur Boxing Champion (read article German High School Boxing Championships in Marburg 2011)